Second Night
Happy second night of Hanukkah! Today I slept in, jumped out of bed, and ran for a mile. I’m debating another running streak. I ran a mile from Memorial Day to the Fourth of July this year, and it was a great practice. I love streaks. With streaks, you eliminate the options and have just two choices – continue, or quit. I’m most competitive with myself, so streaks work for me. I’ve been crossing off days on my current squat streak (50 a day), and thought that adding a mile from Thanksgiving to New Years might be a thing I’d like to do. From a fitness standpoint it seems doable, but this winter running thing? I’m not quite sure how I’ll adapt. Winter running requires a whole new wardrobe – long pants, jackets, protected extremities. And you can’t just have one outfit – you have to have several, otherwise you’ll be doing laundry every other day. I’m normally an overheated runner, and it’s clear that I don’t have this temperature control down. Today, at 30 degrees, I wore long running pants, a long sleeved running shirt, a sweatshirt, hat and gloves. My hands and face ended up freezing, and my core was overheating. This is going to require some significant trial and error.
This Thanksgiving, we spent the afternoon with much of my extended family at the same place we’ve been going to for the past three decades. Cousins and second cousins travel in from across the country, and we’re a large bunch. It’s quite a formal event, and I’ve always felt a little uneasy getting dressed up when I’d much prefer to overeat with less constricting clothing. Preferably an elastic waistband. For many years we’d have a second meal at my grandmother’s house, where she’d cook a second turkey, and make her famous cheese pie. We’d change into house clothes, and I’d feel like I could finally kick back and relax. A few years ago we stopped with the second meals, for the best probably, because it was utterly excessive consumption. After we did, I found myself sorely missing my opportunity for “real Thanksgiving” – but I wasn’t quite sure what to do about it. Today there was a small coup – everyone agreed that we love being together, but next year we’d like to have the big meal at a home. Planning started early, and I’m looking forward to next year at my aunt and uncles house, with lots of family, a roaring fire, and Cooper, my cousin dog making the rounds. No one likes breaking traditions, but I’m looking forward to next year already!
I didn’t take many pictures today, but I did snap one that’s still making me giggle.
Things I’m thankful for tonight:
My health, my family, my cousin-dog Cooper, candles, and egg nog.
Also, my camera, my cookbooks, warm fires, tuna melts.
And basketball season, good books, dear friends.
Cozy sweaters, laughter, and dark chocolate almond bark.
Happy Thanksgiving, friends!