by Sam Tackeff | Nov 17, 2020 | Uncategorized

Good Things: okay, a quick note today only because I’m hopelessly engrossed in the Queen’s Gambit. It’s so very, very good!
Dinner tonight – chicken, which I’ll freely admit to you that I microwaved. I now feel a small bit misled because it took just over 6 minutes and stayed incredibly moist, and let’s face it, I didn’t think chicken would work that way in a microwave. Alongside I chopped up some fennel and tossed in the new green goddess dip from Trader Joe’s. Lastly, pierogis! In the air fryer and crisped up a little bit.
Other notes – eased into the morning. I was planning to walk and talk (masked and distanced) with a friend this morning but wasn’t feeling up to it. For some reason I found myself tossing and turning throughout the night, even though I’m usually a good sleeper.
The day was full, and I walked, ran, and took Yasmene’s Yin class.
I finally sat myself down under my heated blanket tonight to watch a few episodes of the show – and I am HOOKED.
by Sam Tackeff | Nov 16, 2020 | Uncategorized
- Numbered Lists.
Now that we have that out of the way – Good Things, for today.
:: Leftover porridge – this one from Maine Grains – with a hint of maple syrup, and a splash of cream. It seems like the type of thing that I could make a full batch of but usually I just double on a Sunday, and have the other half the next day.
:: Carrot soup with radiatore and Domingo rojo beans, and a little bit of unexpected cheddar, and then a little bit of parmesan, and still everything was missing a little salt.
:: Everyone is so delighted to meet Bertram in his little safety glowing party necklace. I’ve started putting it on myself when I go for my run after we walk, but it doesn’t hold the same sway when it’s on a human rather than a raver pup.
:: My felt right samples. Going to pick a few colors and then adorn my walls with acoustic dampening and COLOR!
:: Books: swapping between a hard cover (fiction) and a kindle book (business). I go for the audio books either on my walk or night time before bed for 20 minutes. (I’d read, but my eyes don’t love night time reading!)
:: Yoga as Therapy with Michael Lee – one of my favorite classes of the week: a five part class starting with movement, intensifying, and then shifting towards meditation, stillness, and insight. It’s moving next week to 5:30 on Ompractice, but I’m going to end my day a little earlier to take it.
:: Collaboration – it’s been a good Monday of working with others. It’s… Monday still, right?
xo Sam
by Sam Tackeff | Nov 15, 2020 | Uncategorized

A very quick moment to pause and appreciate the day – I nearly fell asleep tonight on my mat during yoga class and my eyes have been drooping through dinner: a rice bowl with lime ceviche, and Rancho Gordo Domingo rojo beans, sushi rice, and furikake. I’m nearing the end of the singular bottle of Trader Joe’s pulled off the shelves dynamite sauce – which is regrettable.
Most of the day was low key, finishing up some errands to round out the week, doing a 30 minute retro with my Sprint buddy, and then a lovely zoom docent presentation by one of my fellow Wellesley alums on the new MFA Monet exhibit, walking us through half of the featured work. Quite nice!
Today I had two modes – sitting and moving – got in a long walk, run, and ride, although admittedly it might have been too much for me today as I had to pause 20 minutes into the first episode of Queen’s Gambit tonight because I’m ready to tuck myself in.
See you all tomorrow!
xo, Sam