by Sam Tackeff | Nov 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
:: Self reminder: It’s okay that GOOD THINGS are really just a collection of small good things, sort of on repeat, because we’re living in a pandemic, and frankly recurring simple joys are important at all times of life.
:: I *love* a good pun. There’s nothing I love more than rolling in with a timely pun. I’d say 1/3 of my twitter replies are puns and I’m happy with that.
:: Bertram’s backyard play date with Sawyer, his bestie.
:: Squash soup for lunch. For dinner I wanted the flavors of Mississippi Roast without the time commitment, so I bathed a piece of beef in Trader Joe’s Green Goddess dip, and a half jar of pepperonici, covered with foil, and cooked in my convection toaster for a few hours. Delicious.
:: Book club. We’re reading “Who not How” (affiliate link).
Important question: Charcuterie Chalets. Heaven or Horror?
xo Sam
by Sam Tackeff | Nov 19, 2020 | Uncategorized

Touch your nose…. and stretch!
- Reconnecting with a friend I hadn’t talked to in years, and finding ourselves in parallel tracks. Always fun to see how groups of people who went through some formative time together share traits even though they have been apart.
- I worked through lunch. I try not to do that! I snacked on almonds and ended up having a very late snack of Joseph’s lavash stuffed with fromage pavé, which was a good consolation.
- MOVE: In the evening: a cold walk, a short run, and then Yang to Yin class with Niki. I try not to stack like that but I had a lot to get through today!
- Dinner was a new Trader Joe’s Korean-ish rice dish from the freezer aisle because I couldn’t be bothered to do any more than reheat.
- Trivia! The highlight of my Thursday!
- Flowers: some mums I have to put in a container before going to sleep tonight!
Xo, Sam
by Sam Tackeff | Nov 18, 2020 | Uncategorized

I can count the number of takeout meals I’ve eaten during the pandemic on my two hands, but today I had to venture into the wild for an appointment downtown, and used it as an excuse to get Bon Me and Cider donuts (no picture because they never last long enough for a photograph) from Boston Public Market. Alas, they were out of tea eggs, but I always love a good noodle bowl.
Other things: reading in the quiet morning. I’m getting into a stride with my latest book, which is perfectly passable, but in contrast to my last book is a bit of a slog. I won’t mention it because truly I don’t think it’s fair to the author.
Good things: justifying a new yoga mat because it’s on flash sale (this one by B Yoga – a very good deal at $57.60) and because it’s my favorite, and I use my mat now at least 5 hours a week and could use a rotation!
While I wouldn’t quite list is as a “good thing”, I’m working my way towards the shift to cold season. I love the cold when properly dressed; not so much when I’ve forgotten my gloves. On the plus side, today I remembered them, and yet, the whipping wind made it impossible to enjoy my decent layering even bundled.
On that note: staying warm with a heated blanket and a living heater dog.
And: those tall unscented cylinder candles at Trader Joe’s to keep things cozy.
À demain!
Xo Sam