When things admittedly feel a little shaky.

Cross-Posted from my Substack. (Please subscribe if you’d like this in your weekly inbox!)
I pulled out the good camera. As much as the best camera you have is the one that you have on you, the DSLR in fact does produce better images than my nice iPhone.
This Week in Good Things:
- This week felt like an “I made it through the week!” week. If it felt that way for you, solidarity! I felt a sudden strong onset of seasonal affective disorder, spent the first several days of the week absolutely a mess, and have been working to turn this frown upside down.
- I’m featured in the Boston Globe Magazine for my love of bagels. (Specifically, the Sportello Bagel, RIP).
- Bertram got nose butter and didn’t complain about it. This stuff works magically. Also, in the cold weather he becomes a morning snuggler.
- I voted. While I’m proud that Massachusetts makes it easy to vote by mail, I still roll up to my polling place. The best part about voting in person is that you get a sticker.
- I got an icing cookie with little ball sprinkles from Arthur’s Montreal. (Thank you, John!). And a Walker’s Shortbread Advent calendar. (Yes, I’m Jewish, but everyone needs a box of seasonal treats in the winter.)

- In, things that went comically badly but I turned around: I was supposed to go to one of my favorite 2x a year Wellesley club of Boston events: Authors on Stage. It’s an excellent event with three authors, each sharing not specifically about their book, but more of the behind the scenes of writing the book. This one was with Carl Safina, Novuyo Rosa Tshuma, and Virginia Pye. On the morning of, the temperature had dropped, and when I went to turn on my car, my battery was dead. Instead of hopping in an Uber, I went upstairs, poured myself another coffee, and cried. (Thankfully AAA does battery replacement. So now we have a fresh one. If you don’t have AAA, it’s always worth it.)
- I succumbed to “bro-science” and ordered a box of AG1 (athletic greens powder). When it arrived, the box was weirdly damaged internally. I dropped a note to support and literally before they responded they sent out a replacement.

- Working on the porch in the afternoon before it becomes too cold.
- I got to hang out in a semi-empty Museum of Fine Arts after hours for an event. I won’t lie, getting to wander through galleries without stepping around people, pretending that I’m spending a night at the museum is probably my favorite way to experience art.
- Pumpkin waffle with crunchy Biscoff Spread.
- We’re over 100 people registered for the Ompractice Slow Down! (First live class is Tuesday.)
- I got to take home two more free bouquets of flowers from events (making my current household total six fancy bouquets.)

- All hard weeks are solved by purchasing paper products and planners you will use approximately 30% of. I snuck over to the Paper Mouse to grab myself a Hobonichi Techo!
- Tackled nagging tasks: finished cleaning out the car. Went to the Container Store for a drawer organizer for jewelry and other little things, and some baskets to keep my daily fitness clothing a little bit more organized.
- Good numbers. 11/11, 11:11.

Good Things Elsewhere and on the Internet:
- Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda. Two wild women discussing their (copious) awards.
- I finally broke the seal and started my first Brandon Sanderson: Mistborn while patiently waiting for Iron Flame to come out.
- I giggled watching Joy Ride. The Marvels is out, with a new box office weekend low for the MCU, but I think honestly it’s because I saw ZERO marketing. I will be going to watch it.
- I ordered a Lisa Congdon “Live Your Values Card Deck” (affiliate link) in anticipation of my yearly Retro and Goal Setting. I keep my personal values on an Apple Note called “2023 Habits” which I read every day.
- Mostly (NSFW – not safe for work), I can’t stop listening to Troye Sivan’s One of Your Girls. (Where can I find Marabou in the US?)
- Working myself up to enjoying the cold weather, I’ve been watching Cecilia longer youtube videos. This Cecilia: “I live on a cabin in Svalbard, an island close to the North Pole”. This one was lovely.
- Peppermint Mini Cones are at Trader Joe’s right now.
The Weekly Meal Plan:
- Sunday: Salmon Rice Bowl with avocado, seaweed, ginger, cucumber
- Monday: Woks of Life Poached Chicken with Ginger Scallion Sauce, cucumber
- Tuesday: Salad bowl with chopped red peppers, marinated corona beans, salami, cheese, almonds
- Wednesday: Beef Chili (it’s chili season!)
- Thursday: Farfalle with vodka sauce and cacio pepe chicken sausage, salad
- Friday: Tofu and broccoli bowl with peanut dressing
- Saturday: Indian Takeout
That’s all for now! Know someone who might like this newsletter? I’d love if you send it to them!
xo, Sam