Good Food:
- Unpictured pancakes, egg, and dark maple syrup.
- Lunch: Trader Joe’s Korma Fish Curry (so good) with a can of sardines over chopped fennel.
- Dinner: Ayacote Amarillo beans and cauliflower rice with leftover savory chicken.
- Dessert: my favorite seasonal peppermint Trader Joe’s hold the cones.
Movement today:
- A very windy, soggy, but WARM mile.
- A 9:30 yoga class with Traci. (Intro to yoga which is what I needed at this time of night on an active rest day).
Other good things:
- Tidings and coos from 4 month old Josie.
- My heated blanket.
- Three kinds of purple flowers.
- Clean folded towels.
- The unexpected scientific discovery of glowing marsupials!
- My mother discovering the 10 second warmed up stroopwafel.
- A happy birthday Heather!
- FaceTiming my family during final jeopardy.
- 30 days straight of making time and writing out these moments. (To continue.)
Xo, Sam.