Today I’m proud of myself for eating greenery multiple times. A big lemony salad for dinner here with some pork chop and Popeyes Pierogies. I’ve been on a kick. They are probably better boiled and pan fried, but frankly the air fryer puffs them up and cooks them in no time at all from frozen.
We went for a long mid day walk. Notable because this was at the end when he was uninterested in heading back upstairs. Hello, little teefs. Also notable because I am wearing jeans, which is a first since probably…. February?
Tonight this little one was particularly “helpful” during my Yin class. Which is to say he had a LOT of feelings and just needed to be close. Here he is sitting on my meditation cushion.
We are now winding down with some mindless tween witchy tv and some time on the heated blanket before heading to bed in just a few.
Hope you are all treating yourself kindly as the holiday comes upon us.
Xo, Sam